
What We Do

We're on a mission to give back to the people who sacrifice the most. When you utilize our Nationwide Honor The Brave program, receive Brave Benefits equal to 10% of the agent's commission back. - when you are buying or selling to THANK YOU for your service.

Honor The Brave

Mission: Give Back + Honor = THANK YOU!

As a law enforcement family, this program is close to our hearts. It keeps us connected to our public safety family. We created it to give back to LAW ENFORCEMENT, MILITARY, FIREFIGHTERS and all FIRST RESPONDERS when they are buying or selling real estate.

Our NATIONWIDE program allows us to connect the "BRAVE" with our Honor The Brave realtor partners anywhere in the country. We are committed to serving those who serve. Your BRAVE BENEFIT is an amount equal to 10% of the agent's commission. We want to give back and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

Additionally, we are honored to donate an amount equal to 5% of the agent commission to the charity of the BRAVE'S (buyer or seller) choice, that impacts first responders or military in some way. TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  

We are also proud to present a beautiful handmade wooden flag, crafted by active-duty Marine, Cody Romriell, to remind you every day YOUR SERVICE IS APPRECIATED.

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